The term “special needs” covers the intellectual, mental, or physical disabilities of children up to the age of 18. In cases of individuals with intellectual disabilities, the age restriction does not apply. Those eligible for assistance are determined by the provisions of the foundation’s regulations, with the limitations imposed by the foundation’s resources. To evaluate applications, it is necessary to submit an application along with documentation that satisfies the criteria for assistance. The criteria considered are: (a) The problem (a medical certificate is required) (b) The financial situation (a tax certificate or a certificate from Social Insurance is required) (c) The extent of coverage by other organizations and care plans, including assistance provided by state services.
The Radiomarathon Foundation and the policy followed by its Management Committee do not replace the state’s role in social policy issues. Therefore, assistance is provided where there is no established state provision and in cases where urgent incidents arise, but the state services’ decision is delayed. The foundation also supports non-profit voluntary institutions that offer services to children with special needs. It is noted that institutions and services operating under the supervision of state, semi-governmental, and community services are not assisted by Radiomarathon. It is also noted that disabled individuals are entitled to a state monthly allowance.